
30 Movie Reviews

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The problem goes way deeper than challenging smart kids, people are way more receptive to things that align with their intrests or abilities to a great degree, even people who aren't super exceptional tend to grow a lot faster, and screw around in class less if there's something they find interesting on hand. Many learn different ways too, a one size fit's all environmnt actively punishes people that don't perfectly fit inside their cookie cutter. Shop classes aren't available in many schools, as are classes that teach skills that are directly useful. Learning how to read and write well is important, but unless the student is some sort of potato they should have that down reasonably well before leaving grade school, and the stuff they do in other classes should keep the skills fresh and up to date; why put everyone through such classes and waste several months if not actual years of usable time in the process. Same thing with other mandatory classes, it's just english/reading tends to be the largest offender. I am willing to bet that the overwelming majority, not just the super smart kids have had their growth stunted by this system, even the ones that appear to have done well have mostly accumulated knowledge and skills that are mostly useless to most people in real life.

One thing is a lot of sites have gotten worse, it's especially bad on ones with the tools to create a hugbox, or heavily biased mods. That sort of shit is "in" right now, it's less toxic when the tools to make a hugbox are not available, and the mods don't get rid of dissenting views.

Oh fot the days when everyone on the internet was a n****rfaggot, and nobody gave a shit.

Not sure how much good "organic" does, I have found that making food out of meat and vegetables found in normal stores can easily produce filling meals that are fairly healthy. Eating healthy is much less expensive if you are willing to cook.

I also come away from fast food joints with my hunger sated for the day (I can't eat a whole foot-long sub), unless what I ordered was just too small to count as a proper meal, but I don't go to fast food joints more than a few times a year, so.

A lot of that is libertarianism, libertarians just want to be left alone, the other bit is people willingly putting themselves in a cage in exchange for "friends" that don't actually know you as a person.

I can avoid getting things spoiled for YEARS, all you got to do is live under a rock, and not have any social media accounts.

Laws that restrict operating equipment under the influence, or severely distracted are not there to protect drunk drivers from their own bad decisions, they are there to protect everyone else, and their property from their stupid decisions. Other than that, I agree, babying everyone so they don't hurt themselves is a terrible idea. Such laws also prevent people from living freely, even people that aren't stupid.

Honestly I don't see these people in real life, maybe that's because I live under a rock, but it COULD be that the problem has been placed under a microscope; in doing so it not only looks bigger, but others that want power (even if that power can only make the world a shittier place to live) and attention see that this method is effective. They join the problem, use self-diagnosed disorders, triggers, and other made up bullshit to make them feel special, and as an excuse for why they are failures. Why become better when you can throw a tantrum and have the fame you couldn't get any other way, power you couldn't hope to possess any other way? It's not that most of these people CAN'T handle life, they choose not to because acting like a toddler gets attention, acting like a toddler gets things baby-proofed for you, and acting like a toddler is so much easier than doing something worthwhile.

Was that the intro to Darude:sSndstorm on a piano?

PenguinPotential responds:

Yep! It was the easiest song she knew how to play!

I thought we were done with the black goo.


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